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Emotion-Focused Therapy Versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy...What Next? |
You will have to excuse me, because I come from a primarily
cognitive-behavioral framework and, therefore, have some difficulty grasping
some of the “grayness” of humanistic and some of the experiential
theories. Do not
get me wrong; even though I am somewhat of a dichotomous thinker, I still
believe there are some very valuable concepts to be taken out of the readings
and humanistic theories in general. However,
in Elliott, Watson, Goldman, and Greenberg’s
text entitled Learning Emotion-Focused Therapy: The Process-Experiential Approach to Change (2004), there is very little mention of therapeutic methods or
techniques. The text
explains Process-Experiential Theory in appropriate detail, although I would
not necessarily say it was “made simple” as the title of chapter two
suggests. Because I
come from a “primarily” cognitive-behavioral perspective, that doesn’t mean
that I don’t utilize an eclectic approach and find value in other treatment
modalities formulated by such notable and intelligent theorists such as Rogers,
Perls, Moreno, or Freud. On that
note, I would have hoped to read more about the contributions of EFT regarding
therapeutic techniques, that is all I’m saying.
In fact, none of the readings, with the exception of Repairing Discordant Student-Teacher Relationships: A Case Study Using Emotion-Focused Therapy (Lander, 2009), focused on therapeutic methods or techniques, which I found
quite disappointing. I hope
that these missing components will be elaborated on more in other
works. Lander
(2009) did provide an excellent case study that I found quite interesting and
possibly useful in working with children. Since I
have very little experience working with small children, the techniques
utilized piqued my interest and will inspire me to seek additional information
regarding their specific applications.
As Wampold (2001) stated so elaborately in his text, I saw the
“general effects” in Lander’s (2009) case study as being equally, if not more,
responsible for the positive changes (outcome) in the relationship between Guy
and Ms. Greenberg. I believe
the individual techniques were an excellent vehicle for building an alliance
between teacher and student, and that the collaborative nature of the exercises
did more to repair the relationship than any of the exercise’s products. For the first time, the two individuals were able to see each
other as human beings with struggles and emotions not so different from each
Elliott, Watson, Goldman, & Greenberg (2004) mentioned that neo-humanism evolved because the
humanistic movement “fell out of favor” (p. 6) in the 1970s and 1980s, but did
not elaborate on why that occurred. I have to
assume it is because that is when the behavioral and cognitive revolutions in
psychology began to take hold and the humanists really did not fit very well
with the medical model. It
would have been nice to hear why the humanists believed this happened, why they
felt compelled to create a neo-humanistic model, and what the differences are
between the two.
I have noticed a lot of discussion of “dialectical” frameworks in
the literature over the past several years and it seems to be a concept
catching on in many theoretical camps including Linehan’s Dialectical Behavior
Therapy (DBT) and EFT. Is that
the big difference between humanistic and neo-humanistic models? Dialectical constructivism, as described by Elliott, Watson, Goldman, & Greenberg (2004),
is not much different from dialectics as described by Linehan (1993). Both Greenberg and Linehan are talking about the polarity of
emotions as well as the dialectical relationship between therapist and client,
yet they are coming from humanistic and cognitive-behavioral perspectives
respectively. Is
it the dialectical opposition of emotions that separates the humanists of old from
the neo-humanists or is there something more radical that I may have missed in
the readings?
I have to say that I take exception to the term “humanistic”
psychology in general. It is not
that I do not believe in the principles behind the humanistic perspective,
because I see many positive and useful ideas coming out of the writings of
“humanists”. My
concern is that if a theory or therapy does not fall within the confines of the
humanistic model, does that mean that all other models are inhumane? What makes the humanistic theories more relevant to humanism than
others theories, therefore making it necessary to make this very specific
distinction? Aren’t
all theories concerned with helping people solve their problems and lead
happier, healthier lives humanistic? Don’t
psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, developmental, and humanistic models all
treat people with dignity and respect, nurture their clients, and show
compassion for fellow human beings? Of course
they do!
In reality, the different theories or models of psychopathology
and treatment are starting to look more and more similar as time goes on. I can see many similarities between EFT and CBT for example. EFT refers to the concept of the “scheme” while CBT uses the term
“schema” to capture pretty much the same concept (I believe “schema” came first
by the way). Elliott,
Watson, Goldman, and Greenberg
(2004, p. 7-8) say they “use the word ‘scheme’ instead of ‘schema’ because
‘schema’ implies a static, linguistically based mental representation, whereas
‘scheme’ refers to a plan of action”. They go
on to say that a scheme is a process, not a thing, including linguistic
components but consisting mostly of preverbal elements such as bodily
sensations (physiological), images (also cognitions), and smells that are “not
directly available to awareness”. In
Beck’s latest book (Beck and Clark, 2010, pp. 44-46), his concept of schemas is
not much different from that of Greenberg et al. Beck describes not only a cognitive-conceptual schema, but
behavioral, physiological, motivational, and affective (emotional) schemas as
being integral in primary threat mode activation, all of which are “automatic”
processes (not directly available to awareness). Humanists
apparently use the “empty chair” technique (referred to, but not elaborated on,
on p. 32 of the Greenberg reading), a technique developed by Fritz Perls, but
also utilized in cognitive-behavioral therapy as a technique in role playing or
behavioral rehearsal. The
readings state that the focus in EFT is on emotions rather than cognitions, but
when describing emotions, the authors, Elliott,
Watson, Goldman, & Greenberg
(2004) and Pascual-Leone
& Greenberg (2007), all describe them in terms of thoughts, statements, and
cognitions and it is those statements that Pascual-Leone & Greenberg (2007)
used to measure “emotion” in the research they describe. So are emotions and cognitions that different or are they
integrated in such a way that they become almost indistinguishable?
In conclusion, with few exceptions, most science is based on
theories that are more or less accepted as facts. The theory of relativity, for example, doesn’t have four other
competing theories explaining how celestial bodies relate to each other in the
universe and there aren’t six different theories of evolution (although
creationists have an alternative theory of their own), so why does psychology
have so many theories of the mind, personality, behavior, emotion, and the
treatment of psychopathology? If we
want to be taken seriously as scientists and validate our research on human
psychology with credibility, we will eventually need one overarching
meta-theory of psychology. As I
stated above, many of the remaining theoretical camps are all starting to sound
more and more alike, only using different jargon and semantics to make their
approaches sound novel and intelligent. Rather
than fighting each other over who is right, why don’t they all put their heads
together and come up with one overarching theory of psychology that we can all
accept? Could
that theory change over time? Possibly. Nevertheless, who has to say that the theories of relativity and
evolution might not change with some unforeseen dramatic discovery in the
future? At least
we could be taken seriously as a science and focus our funding and efforts in
one direction rather than eight or ten. If the
general effects of therapy are as critical as Wampold (2001) suggested, what
would the credibility of one psychological theory add to client expectation,
the therapeutic alliance, and positive outcome? One thing is for sure, allegiance factors, which according to
Wampold (2001, p. 206), account for up to ten percent of the variability of
outcomes, would be a thing of the past.
Beck, A.T
and Clark, D.A. (2010). Cognitive
Therapy of Anxiety Disorders – Science and Practice. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.
R., Watson, J. C., Goldman, R. N., & Greenberg, L. S. (2004). Learning
Emotion-Focused Therapy: The Process-Experiential Approach to Change.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Lander, I. (2009). Repairing Discordant Student-Teacher Relationships: A Case Study Using
Emotion-Focused Therapy. Children & Schools, 31, 229-238.
Linehan, M.M., (1993). Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder New York, N.Y: Guilford Press.
Lander, I. (2009). Repairing Discordant Student-Teacher Relationships: A Case Study Using
Emotion-Focused Therapy. Children & Schools, 31, 229-238.
Linehan, M.M., (1993). Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder New York, N.Y: Guilford Press.
A., & Greenberg, L. S. (2007). Emotional Processing in Experiential
Therapy: Why “The Only Way Out Is Through”. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology, 75, 875-887.
Wampold, B. (2001). The Great Psychotherapy Debate. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erbaum Associates.
Wampold, B. (2001). The Great Psychotherapy Debate. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erbaum Associates.
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